AssetWatch Checkmark

AssetWatch is a service owned and operated by Recipero and provided to businesses worldwide to track and protect their valuable assets.

When you see the AssetWatch Checkmark you know the holder’s stock, shipments and assets of all kinds are being prevented from unauthorised trade and made readily identifiable to law enforcement officers from police to trading standards and customs.

AssetWatch Checkmark Approved Partner Logo

Any type of product that has unique serial numbers – from phones and laptops to thermostats and embedded controls is linked to its owner. Responsible buyers performing due diligence can access records to verify provenance and avoid buying without the rightful owner’s permission. Fraudsters claiming non-delivery of shipments can be found out and dishonesty throughout the supply chain identified.

Lease and rental agreements secured against items can be monitored for risk indicators related to the movement of those items providing valuable insight to owners, perhaps allowing defaults to be avoided or actively managed.

AssetWatch is an fully integrated component of Recipero's Crime Reduction Ecosystem helping law enforcement, traders, retailers, insurers and the public to collaborate in the prevention and detection of crime.

Getting started

More information

Getting the accreditation

If your organization uses AssetWatch and would like to feature the Checkmark please contact us.

General Enquiries:


For approved AssetWatch partners we supply the AssetWatch Checkmark logo and guidance for your use on your communications and website.

Recipero's partners include: